Looking for a pest and rodent exterminator? Get in touch with Extermination Direct Pest Control.

For more than 20 years, we’ve been providing excellent pest control services throughout Ottawa, Gatineau, and the surrounding areas.

Pest Exterminator

Extermination Direct Pest Control offers pest extermination services to all residential, commercial, and industrial clients in Ottawa, ON.

Our team of qualified exterminators handles every project with the same dedication and professionalism. From cockroaches to wasps, trust us to remove all pests from your building.

We use the latest equipment to provide high-end results. Extermination Direct Pest Control also offers repair services for damage caused by any pests.

We are qualified to effectively provide the highest quality services.

Get in touch today.

" Trust us to remove all pests from your home"

Rodent Exterminator

odents are one of the most disruptive type of pests! Be it rats or mice, we eradicate these creatures in the most humane way possible.

As a licensed company, Extermination Direct Pest Control provides eco-friendly pest and rodent extermination services such as mouse proofing, disinfection, and prevention treatments.

We also offer 24/7 and same day emergency services to all clients in Ottawa, ON.

We guarantee your home or building will be rodent-free!

Let our rodent exterminator handle your problem!

Call for more details.

"Let our exterminator handle your rodent and pest problems!"


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